Understanding Browser Error Messages
As you browse the web, you will sooner or later come across one or more of the following error messages. It can be important for you to know why these errors appeared so that you can know how to fix the problem. However, some of the error messages are out of your control and this too is good to know so that you do not waste your time trying to fix something that cannot be fixed.
400: Bad request
For some reason, the page you are looking for cannot be found at the exact web address that you've typed into the address bar. That's not to say it doesn't exist, just that the domain name address may be spelt wrong, or is otherwise incorrect. Also the document (URL) may not exist, or perhaps, you're not authorized to view it.
Possible Solution:
Check the URL to make sure it is typed correctly. Internet addresses are case sensitive. For example, to reach this page;
http://www.thesysteminfo.com/support.htm is not the same as;
http://www.thesysteminfo.com/Support.htm. The browser will simply reject anything that is doesn't recognize, so it is important for you to be very accurate.
401: Unauthorized
The page you are looking for exists, but you aren't going to be shown it because you need authorisation. This could be just your computer location, which can be set by the server to accept specific requests from domain types or countries, or simply the lack of a password or username details. You may need to sign up as a member to gain access.
Possible Solution:
Very annoying when you know you should be allowed access, but is perhaps most likely because you typed in the password or username incorrectly. Try again, watching as you type in your details, check for accuracy and case sensitivity. If all else fails, contact the site webmaster for advice if you have these details available.
403: Forbidden or Page Unavailable
Again, you're not authorized to visit this site, either because of lack of a password or some other restriction.
Possible Solution:
Try again, checking carefully, or contact the site webmaster for advice if you have these details available.
404: Page Not Found
The Web page you are looking for can't be found by the server hosting that document. Perhaps, as previously, it may just be a mistyped URL. The page may no longer exist (renamed or moved) or could be having some sort of technical difficulty.
Possible Solution:
If the URL you typed was long, try retyping it, checking for errors. Many sites move things around or rename individual pages and you can often find what you are looking for by accessing the main page. For example: You are trying to access this link:
If it will not load, then try accessing the main page (http://www.zerone.info) and search the contained links.
500: Internal Error or Server Error
This is not one that you need to concern yourself about. The server that is hosting this web site has some sort of problem. Hard to say what it could be caused by, but if you check back in an hour or so, most likely it will be fixed.
501: Not Implemented
This error is a direct result of problems in the Web page's HTML (HyperText Markup Language) coding. It occurs mainly with Web pages that contain forms in which you type in requested information and send it to a third party.
Possible Solution:
Again, there is nothing that you can do about this one either. You could try contacting the webmaster to inform of this situation. This may expedite the web sites reactivation.
502: Bad Gateway
The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request. This may be a temporary or permanent condition, please try again at a later time.
503: Service Unavailable or Out of Resources
The Service is Temporarily Unavailable. The server is unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime, a temporary suspension or capacity problems, just too many users on the site at that time. Try again later.
Bad File Request
You are trying to request or use a page that contains a form which has a feature not supported by your browser.
Possible Solution:
You may want to look at the browser version that you are using and make sure that it is current.
Failed DNS Lookup
The Domain Name Server can't translate your domain request into a valid Internet address. Server may be busy or down, or incorrect URL was entered.
Possible Solution:
Check that the URL was typed in accurately and try again. If that doesn't work, try again at a later time.
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